Fat in Szechuan Sauce

Szechuan Sauce
Szechuan Sauce: Fat (grams)

Szechuan Sauce (2 tablespoons)
0 g
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

View Full Nutrition Label for Szechuan Sauce

Szechuan Sauce Nutrition Facts Label

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Fat Values for Similar Foods

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0 g
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0 g
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5 g
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0 g
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0 g
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0 g
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0 g
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0 g
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0 g
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0 g
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0 g
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0 g
Con Queso Sauce (2 tablespoons)
5 g
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0 g
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0 g
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0 g
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10 g


Szechuan Sauce Nutrition Facts

If you need additional additional information about this food, try our szechuan sauce food facts page.  Do you need to know how many carbohydrates there are in 14 tablespoons of szechuan sauce... or 14 ounces, or 14 cups?  Go to this page and identify and select the specific food item you are looking for.  Then simply enter the quantity and unit value - then click the grey button with the caption 'Go'.  A nutrition label for this food will be displayed on the page based on the values you inputted.  

Once the 'szechuan sauce' nutrition label is displayed, create a total for a list of all of the ingredients in your receipe by clicking on the RecipeBuilder button.